The Anemone Azzurro, also known as Mistral Azzurro, is a stunning flower that captivates with its graceful lavender blossoms. These blossoms have a unique feature of lightening to a pale white at the tips, adding an elegant touch to any floral arrangement. With its delicate beauty and long-lasting blooms, the Anemone Azzurro is considered one of the best cut flowers available. Whether you're creating a bouquet for a special occasion or simply want to brighten up your home, this flower is sure to impress. Bring the beauty of the Anemone Azzurro into your space and enjoy its enchanting presence.
Anemone Azzurro
These blossoms have a unique feature of lightening to a pale white at the tips, adding an elegant touch to any floral arrangement.
Availability: 4 in stock
Dimensions | 2.5 × 2.5 × 3.5 in |
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